

The Endia Array is the main data structure for storing and manipulating multi-dimensional data.

fn __init__(inout self, shape: List[Int], requires_grad: Bool = False, is_complex: Bool = False)
  • shape (List[Int]): The shape of the array.
  • requires_grad (Bool): Whether to track gradients for this array. (optional, default: False)
  • is_complex (Bool): Whether the array contains complex numbers. (optional, default: False)

Endia Arrays behave in a similar way to PyTorch Tensors or Jax ndarrays.

Array creation

  • array: Create an array from a string or a list
  • zeros: Create an array filled with zeros with a given shape
  • randu: Create an array filled with random numbers from a uniform distribution
  • randn: Create an array filled with random numbers from a normal distribution
  • full: Create an array filled with a scalar value and a given shape
  • complex: Create a complex array from two real arrays


  • Unary Operations: Trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, ...
  • Binary Operations: Addition, multiplication, division, ...
  • Comparison Operations: Equal, greater, less, ...
  • Reduce Operations: Sum, mean, ...
  • View Operations: Reshape, slice, permute, ...
  • Spacial Operations: Convolution, pooling, ...
  • Stacking and Concatenation: Concatenate, pad, ...
  • backward: Compute the gradients of the array with respect to the input arrays

See the complete list of operations here.


import endia as nd
# Create a 2x2 array
a = nd.array('[[1, 2], [3, 4]]')
b = nd.array('[[5, 6], [7, 8]]')
# Compute the sum of the arrays
c = a + b
# Print the result
# Output:
# Array([[6., 8.],
#        [10., 12.]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float3232)