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Struct: Exp



fwd(arg0: Array) -> Array
Computes the exponential of the input array element-wise.
  • arg0: Array The input array.
  • Array - An array containing the exponential of each element in the input array.


a = Array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) result = exp(a) print(result)

Note: This function supports:

  • Automatic differentiation (forward and reverse modes).
  • Complex valued arguments.
jvp(primals: List[Array], tangents: List[Array]) -> Array
Computes the Jacobian-vector product for the exponential function.
  • primals: List[Array] A list containing the primal input array.

  • tangents: List[Array] A list containing the tangent vector.

  • Array - The Jacobian-vector product for the exponential function.

Implements forward-mode automatic differentiation for the exponential function.

Note: The Jacobian-vector product for the exponential is computed as exp(x) * dx, where x is the primal input and dx is the tangent vector.

vjp(primals: List[Array], grad: Array, out: Array) -> List[Array]
Computes the vector-Jacobian product for the exponential function.
  • primals: List[Array] A list containing the primal input array.

  • grad: Array The gradient of the output with respect to some scalar function.

  • out: Array The output of the forward pass (unused in this function).

  • List[Array] - A list containing the gradient with respect to the input.

Implements reverse-mode automatic differentiation for the exponential function.

Note: The vector-Jacobian product for the exponential is computed as exp(x) * grad, where x is the primal input and grad is the incoming gradient.

unary_simd_op(arg0_real: SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)], arg0_imag: SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)]) -> Tuple[SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)], SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)]]
Low-level function to compute the exponential of a complex number represented as SIMD vectors.
  • arg0_real: SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)] The real part of the complex number.

  • arg0_imag: SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)] The imaginary part of the complex number.

  • Tuple[SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)], SIMD[float32, nelts[::DType]().__mul__(2).__floordiv__(2)]] - The real and imaginary parts of the exponential of the complex number as a tuple.
__call__(mut curr: Array, args: List[Array])
Performs the forward pass for element-wise exponential computation of an array.
  • curr: Array The current array to store the result (modified in-place).

  • args: List[Array] A list containing the input array.

Computes the exponential of each element in the input array and stores the result in the current array. Initializes the current array if not already set up.

Note: This function assumes that the shape and data of the args are already set up. If the current array (curr) is not initialized, it computes the shape based on the input array and sets up the data accordingly.



exp(arg0: Array) -> Array
Computes the exponential of the input array element-wise.
  • arg0: Array The input array.
  • Array - An array containing the exponential of each element in the input array.


a = Array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) result = exp(a) print(result)

Note: This function supports:

  • Automatic differentiation (forward and reverse modes).
  • Complex valued arguments.
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