Custom Ops

Custom Ops

Endia allows you to create custom differentiable operations🔥, enabling you to:

  1. Implement new operations not available in the endia core library
  2. Optimize existing operations for better performance
  3. Develop domain-specific operations for your unique needs

Creating a Custom Operation - A Step-by-Step Guide

Let's walk through creating a custom elementwise multiplication operation, breaking it down into three key steps:

  1. Implement the forward pass as a low-level function
  2. Define the backward pass as a high-level vector-Jacobian product (vjp) function
  3. Register the operation with Endia

Step 1: Implementing the Forward Pass

First, we define the function that performs the actual computation. For the sake of simplicity we leave out vectorization, parallelization and broadcasting:

# Import necessary modules
from endia.utils import op_array, setup_shape_and_data, clone_shape
from endia import Array
# Define the forward pass as a low-level function
def custom_mul_callable(inout curr: Array, args: List[Array]) -> None:
    for i in range(curr.size()):, args[0].load(i) * args[1].load(i))

This function:

  • Initializes the output array using setup_shape_and_data
  • Performs elementwise multiplication of the input arrays
  • Stores the result in the output array

Step 2: Defining the Backward Pass

We implement a vector-Jacobian product (vjp) function for efficient reverse-mode automatic differentiation:

def custom_mul_vjp(primals: List[Array], grad: Array, out: Array) -> List[Array]:
    return List(custom_mul(grad, primals[1]), custom_mul(grad, primals[0]))

Mathematical Explanation:

In the following, we denote: f as the custom_mul_vjp, x as primals[0], y as primals[1], v as the incoming gradient grad adn L as the scalar output of the entire differentiable program.

  • Objective: Propagate the incoming (given) gradient v = ∂L/∂f backwards through our custom function.

  • Derivative Computation: To determine how small input changes affect the output of our custom function, we calculate its Partial Derivatives. For our multiplication function f(x,y) = x * y, we differentiate with respect to each input variable x and y: ∂f/∂x = y and ∂f/∂y = x.

  • Jacobian Formation: We construct the Jacobian Matrix by arranging these partial derivatives: J = [∂f/∂x, ∂f/∂y] = [y, x]

  • Gradient Propagation: Applying the chain rule from calculus, we compute the Vector-Jacobian Product to obtain the derivatives ∂L/∂x and ∂L/∂y: [∂L/∂x, ∂L/y] = v * J = ∂L/∂f * [y, x] = [∂L/∂f * y, ∂L/∂f * x]

Note 1: The Mojo compiler:

The Mojo compiler is smart enough to have us first define the vjp function using the custom_mul, and then define the custom_mul itself.

Note 2: On Differentiation in Endia:

A key advantage of Endia's design is that we can define the backward pass using existing differentiable operations. This means we don't need to implement the low-level details of gradient computation ourselves. Instead, we can express the gradient calculation in terms of operations that are already differentiable. This approach is crucial for enabling higher-order differentiation in Endia. When a function is purely defined in terms of differentiable smaller functions, we can differentiate the corresponding function as many times as we want. This is a powerful feature for various scientific computing applications, including optimization algorithms, differential equations solvers, and advanced machine learning models.

Step 3: Registering the Operation

Finally, we register our custom operation with Endia:

# Register the operation with Endia
def custom_mul(arg0: Array, arg1: Array) -> Array:
    return op_array(
        args=List(arg0, arg1),

This function:

  • Uses the Endia utility function op_array to register the operation
  • Specifies the output shape, input arrays, operation name, and callable functions

Using the Custom Operation

Here's how to use our new custom operation:

def main():
    a = Array('[1, 2, 3]', requires_grad=True)
    b = Array('[4, 5, 6]', requires_grad=True)
    c = endia.sum(custom_mul(a, b))
    print(c)  # Expected: [32]
    print(a.grad())  # Expected: [4, 5, 6]
    print(b.grad())  # Expected: [1, 2, 3]

That's it!

Congratulations! You've created a custom differentiable operation in Endia. This capability opens up a world of possibilities for extending Endia's functionality to meet your specific needs. Whether you're optimizing existing operations or developing entirely new ones, custom operations are a powerful tool for enhancing your scientific computing workflows. 🎉

But there is more...

You can read through the actual imeplementations the built-in mul operation (opens in a new tab) and you will see that they are implemented in a similar way, but with proper broadcasting capabilities, and a lot of optimizations for performance.

In the above guide we mainly focused on doing reverse-mode automatic differentiation. However, Endia will soon also support forward-mode automatic differentiation, where the notion of the vector-Jacobian product is replaced by the Jacobian-vector product. Stay tuned!